The Carina Nebula

This is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful nebulae that I have seen. My favorite part is the pillar and jets, but the whole nebula is beautiful.  On Hubble site you can view it, Here is the link to the image of the nebula and Here is the link to my favorite part of the Carina nebula You can get printouts of both Here. Hubble is a great site, and I highly recommend visiting it at least once.

The Carina nebula is not visible to the northern hemisphere, so I can’t see it from where I am at.  A four inch telescope will show the variable star Eta surrounded by a small blob of red light.  What you are seeing is the nebulous patch that is called the Homunculus. It got it’s name because when it is close up, it looks vaguely like a man. The variable star Eta is located very close to the constellation Carina,  the star itself is orange red. If you are interested in learning more about the Carnea nebula, the image tour on hubble’s website is really fascinating.